martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

Thomas Mesereau (the lawyer who successfully defended Michael Jackson on trial 2005), says: "First of all, the anesthetic propofol is a very powerful and dangerous, is a liquid. There is a sleeping pill for anxiety or an antidepressant. On a different matter altogether. it's something that should not be given at home and if so, it must have all the necessary equipment. Conrad Murray violated all ethical obligations as a doctor had to give to Michael Propofol home. when the patient is near death, or perhaps has died, and you're talking to the police and paramedics who are trying to save his life, does not hide the fact that propofol was given. and when you go to the hospital and people in the hospital is trying to revive him and save his life - sometimes people revive, does not hide the fact that propofol was given. right? is an atrocity. I am on the side of the prosecution . I am outraged by what he did to Michael Jackson. I think none of this was necessary. I think it was greedy, selfish and stupid. He tried to cover his tracks and grabbed him! "

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